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JS/TS Library Documentation Test Cases

Build Status

A set of test cases for evaluating the capabilities and support of documentation generation tools.

The Cases

The subfolders of ./cases represent meaningful scenarios that are important for library doc generation. In theory, these are ordered in increasing level of difficulty for doc tooling to handle.

1. Single-File JavaScript

A single JavaScript file, with some module-private (non-exported) values, and some exported ones

2. Single-File TypeScript

A single TypeScript file, with some module-private (non-exported) values, and some exported ones

3. Multi-File JavaScript

A single "entry" file, that consumes from multiple other JS files (which are not available directly to consumers for consumption).

4. Multi-File TypeScript

A single "entry" file, that consumes from multiple other TS files (which are not available directly to consumers for consumption).

5. TypeScript Exported Types

TypeScript code that exports Interfaces and Type Aliases in addition to values

6. TypeScript Advanced Types

A couple of tricky TypeScript scenarios, including the merge of a class and namespace.

7. JavaScript consumes TypeScript

A scenario involving a mix of JS and TS files, where the types provided by TS are consumed and used in JSDoc comments

8. No TSConfig

A scenario where no local tsconfig.json is found, and a default one must be used for doc generation instead

(c) 2018 LinkedIn

Generated using TypeDoc