
Home > ember-asset-size-report

ember-asset-size-report package


Class Description
Bundle (BETA) Asset size stats relating to a specific client-side JS bundle
Module (BETA) File within a bundle, within a project
Project (BETA) A “controller” for an ember-cli project
ReportGenerator (BETA) Report generation utility
Spinner (BETA) Loading spinner
Stats (BETA) Stats data store


Function Description
generateReport(projectPath, reportPath) Generate the report
generateReport(options) (BETA) Generate the report


Interface Description
BaseSize (BETA) Bundle or module size information
BundleSizes (BETA) Size information pertaining to a bundle
GenerateReportOptions (BETA) Options to pass to the generateReport() function
ModuleSizes (BETA) Size information pertaining to a module
SpinnerLike (BETA) A loading spinner